Friday, 20 May 2011

A Special Thanks

If you haven't noticed, because you're old, senile, incontinent, that the site has undergone a few aesthetic changes, then you should get off my fucking site. However, if you did, then I would like to thank 'The Phipper', a fellow blogger and talented photographer/designer. It's a shame he's a complete twat.

Check out a few of his other designs I've put below and check out his blog, 'Shadow Boxers'
and keep up to date with 'The Red Door' a site coming in the next few weeks that I will be guest contributing to.. Also if you're interested in pretentious ramblings about clay pots check out, 'This Handmade Life' 

'Muhammed Ali is now senile enough to endorse this'
'the best film to never happen'

'If you wondering what B.D.C means, so am I'

From The Editor 'a pretty grateful deal'

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Review: Alton Towers

I found it really hard to find the 'Towers', they weren't right there in front of you. First thing I saw when I walked in was Sonic the Hedgehog trying to fuck six or so children. I did try to approach him for a quick photo, but somehow, despite being a hedgehog, he got away. Blue bastard.

My main objective for the big A.T was to get on some rides, what was not part of the plan however, was the week long trek between each one. I had to light at least four fires, erect two tents and fight off a man dressed like a crocodile. Also, the incompetent, very lonely looking staff, provided me with a map that can only be described as 'not to scale', I was looking for landmarks, like the forbidden forest and the snow capped mountain, but unfortunately there was just grass, a pond and loads of Japanese people screaming into cameras.

The first ride I queued for was the newly re-named, Sonic Spinball, which seemed appropriate considering he probably did want to spin his balls in my mouth, from what i'd previously seen. Fucking rape rodent. I did enjoy the queueing, I ate a whole cheese ploughmans.. Some smug bastard marched past me in the single seat only queue. 'Look at you, standing in line, having to wait'. 'Ah but look at you, with no friends, on a 1990's themed ride, in a theme park, on your own, you daft cunt'.

Review within a Review: My Solero Ice Cream
'Me and my Solero'
I saw Inception not to long ago, and according to what all the cool people are saying, 'things', in other things, in other things, in other things, are AMAZING. Well I have an ice cream, in a soft sugary exterior, in a review, in another review. It was a good ice cream, maybe a little too cold, had to rush it, had to go into a haunted house with a laser gun. Done.

I normally give highly critical, maybe slightly controversial reviews. It's possible im a little harsh, however I would like to complement the jail-bait on show at Alton. It was just everywhere, they should have handcuffed me the second I walked in.  I penned a small poem about it.

Tonight theres going to be some Jailbait
Somewhere in this Town
Tonight theres going to be some Jailbait 
That im going to be around

I was going to take some photos and put them up, but a police officer told me not to, because if I got caught, i'd ruin it for everyone.

I came to realise after a few hours, that sitting down while something else does all the hard work, much like the wife I plan on having, is very tiring for me. The result of this is getting hungry, luckily for me Alton Towers has a vast array of different outlet, all ready to serve me the same shit, packaged differently. I decided to put my best foot forward into a Mexican. I would say the best thing about it, and this isn't saying much, was when I found half an eaten fajita on the table next to me and ate that as well as the burger I was trying to digest.
'Thats fucked up'

The highlight of Alton Towers for me, aside from the colourfully dressed pedophiles and long waits next to people who smell like Log Flume water, was probably 'Oblivion'. In case you were wondering, this ride does not descend into the pits of hell, but it does go downwards at a speed it makes amusing to try and eat a sandwich.

As I was leaving I simply stated, 'Wasn't that great?'. It was satisfying that for the first time I could use that question rhetorically and not have a girl lying below me say, 'Not particularly'

Please leave your own Alton Towers experiences below. With Sonic or without.

From The Editor 'a 150mph cheese ploughman's deal''

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Editorial: The Playstation Network/PSN Is Down. Give Sony a Break

'God save our noble...'
I occasionally spend my spare time shooting people on the interweb. I don't think I would like to shoot people in real life, because blood is a tough stain to remove and people would wonder why im drenched in it. Im also under the vague impression that if I were to murder someone, they would not re-appear, sorry, re-spawn, one hundred yards away, only to be shot in the face.....twice. Take that geeks, you got 'PWNED'

Like every other person ever to play a video game, I am imbued with a level of confidence unbeknown to me in the real world. I find it prudent to establish myself amongst my virtual peers as a better person. 'Yeah you fucking nerd, I totally shot you with my LASER GUN, and im like humping your corpse and burning it and guess what, i've had sex with girls, IN THE MISSIONARY POSITION'. I showed them.

'Gritty realism'
But now, in the wake of Sony's recent online molestation, still lying in a computerised gutter, pants around it's ankles, screaming like a little girl, millions of young, over-confident and for the most part, homophobic ("Take that fag, you got owned by my MISSILE LAUNCHER"), young men, and some overweight, unattractive women, emerge into the daylight. What will they do now? Aside from a healthy amount of masturbation over things that dont have grossly disproportionate, computerised breasts. Will they hold a live death-match, a full scale Mortal Kombat? Mashing there puny bodies against each other, cardboard SUPER BLASTERS and DEATH RAPER-SHOTGUN-EXPLODERS at the ready.

Or maybe, these oppressed, unloved masses, finally getting a healthy redeposit of melonin from the lonely sun, should step outside, take a deep breath and stop complaining about something they were receiving for free. I dont want to use a crude example (but im going to do it anyway), but if you were receiving a blow job and god forbid, she was doing it all wrong, you wouldn't say, 'This is a fucking outrage, I appreciate you have gotten on your knees and literally sucked my cock, but christ, at least do a decent job. Im not asking for much, just your complete degradation'. In fairness, if she was a prostitute, you'd be well within your rights to tell her what for, because remember, hookers dont have souls.

I know that on May 31st when the Megastation 64 gets back the ability to turn people into anonymous, faceless dickheads, that everyone of those people that bitched and moaned will crawl back to there controllers, re-hone there skills and attack the virtual enemy with a exuberant level of enthusiasm. But please, until that time eventually comes, when Jestation Compuchrist resurrects and walks the earth, just do something other than complain, become a valuable member of society.

A final note: please dont assume I dont game or that I have no comprehension of the importance of that black box. I own one myself, I publish a blog who's symbol is a raptor clutching an assault rifle. Just do something else and give Sony a break.

I feel my new sign off seems pertinent to all those im referring to...'Go fuck yourselves'

From The Editor 'A pretty virtual deal'

Monday, 9 May 2011

Editorial: There, Their and They're

I dont understand the difference. It is too difficult for me to comprehend. I live in a world where grammar doesn't exist. Or, I just dont fucking care. There/their/they're you have it. 

If spelling mistakes upset you, you should only ever read the dictionary.

From The Editor  'a pretty grammatical deal'
Next up: Bar Review: Brass Monkey - 'Shite pie or Mai Tai?'

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Bar Review: Market Bar Nottingham

Im not keen on Market Bar, though its fairly apparent that im not really keen on anything. Its not that I don't fit in, I mean, if I think about it, I should fit right in. Im a student, I live in Nottingham, I own a burgundy America Apparel hoody, and, just like everyone else there, my parents will always be more successful than I will ever be. But, as much as I like riding the 50ft wave of Jager off the back of their success, I still don't really understand what is appealing about standing in the dark, shouting at each other. Thats basically what happened when the Americans dropped into Normandy. The technical term is, 'ClusterFuck'.

"Can I have 5 Jagerbombs please and some taste"
"Sorry were fresh out of taste, would you just like another Jager?"
"I suppose"

'Katie and her Beautiful Friends'
The first thing you'll notice when you walk into Market Bar is that it's fucking dark. Its not just dark either, its misty. The only advantage to this, I suppose, is that despite the fact you probably look like you fell into a pit of ugly, the bird, dancing/shuffling/staggering in front of you, who herself is probably related to a moose, thinks you look like a young Patrick Swayze. If you capitalise on this you could end up doing things to her face, with your face, that to a normal person, LOOK DISGUSTING.

Really, i've gotten ahead of myself, I said 'when you walk in', but that's if you get in. You could be one of the many, many, many dickheads who stand outside, in the cold, with no hope. Or you could be one of the righteous customers, who chooses to cross the road and go into BaaBar, mumbling "I didn't want to go in anyway', with the rest of the sheep...get it? Sheep? BaaBar? Brilliant. It makes for a great paradox, you can either stand in the window of BaaBar, watching the queue slowly dwindle, wondering why you left your space. Or you can stand in the cold outside, looking back into BaaBar, wondering why you'd want to be in either.

Apparently when it first opened you could only get in if you were a 'somebody', now they changed the rule to 'anybody', or 'has a body' or possibly 'knows somebody, who's a nobody, but does have a wristband'. Sometimes people put themselves on the guest list in order to get quicker admission. 'The Guest List'? No guest has ever come over to my house and pissed all over my toilet floor, been sick in my sink, danced in my living room and gotten with my dog. Then again, thats just because i throw shit house-parties

I think the main problem with the bar is that not one person, once entering, is competent enough a human being to understand how much there putting in there mouth. It's almost like the hand and mouth have become symbiotic, unable to move away from one another. 

One particular experience  rings to mind. I was standing at the bar with a friend, ordering some drinks, the waitress looked excitable and pleasant enough, so we decided instead of a tip, to buy her a drink. Of course it was a Jagerbomb, what else, they dont serve anything else. This process repeated several times. we found out later, that was in fact, her first shift, and, due to the amount we had bought her, she collapsed and then pissed herself. Thats going right onto a CV.

Aside from it being a tiny, dark, dank, sweaty pit, full of people so pleased with there eventual admission, that they consumed a whole litre of thick, brown, sugar water and managed to pull someone they didn't know from freshers week, only because they couldn't get out of the way due to being asphyxiated by the sheer number of TWATS, the bar itself is shit. Sorry, did I say 'aside' from those things. What I meant was, because of those things its shit

'It really is'
Please dont be drawn into believing it's good because its underground and you can stay up till three in the morning, if you're looking for something underground, that is significantly better, try digging yourself a grave and climbing into it.

Lastly, it should be noted that they run a night called 'Dive', how fitting.

From The Editor 'a pretty sweaty deal'


Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Retrospective: A Coco-Tastic Apology

From the Team at ShuduxyBuxy, we apologise for any offence caused. 

The video below should explain just about everything. 

Double click the video to view in full screen

Robin Williams didn't complain - BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKING PROFESSIONAL.

From The Editor 'a pretty sincere deal'

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Bar Review: Coco Tang

Thats the lamp
The House of Coco Tang is not a house. It does not contain a homely atmosphere. My mother does not demand that I always wear a waistcoat. My mother doesn't serve me things out of a teapot, that should not be served from a teapot. Neither does the 'House' of Coco Tang have any relation to anything oriental. In fact I dont think there are any Asian staff. Not that that offends me, but who doesn't like the presence of those noble, noble people.

When the bar first opened it was the worst kept secret in Nottingham. An entranceway guarded by a lone doorman, the only distinguishing feature a hanging, red, lamp. Thats pretty cool I suppose. Of course a few years down the line and the easiest way to find it is to listen for the sound of a gaggle of underdressed sluts, shouting, 'DEY DO DEM COCKTAILS WID DA REFRESHERS AND DAT'. Brilliant. What was chic and underground is now mass market and still underground, but in a different way, now its just sweaty.

The bar in fact is so far underground that phone signals no longer exist. Its so exclusive, you cant phone out to tell anyone about it. If you do get a signal, your phone only displays Coco Tang menus or screams prices at you. There quire high, trust me. 

If you follow the stairs up to the middle floor you may notice, at the back end of the room, or you may not, stands a black door. Behind this door there is not a creaky old room, but there could be. In this room is not a brick wall, or is there? That brick wall does not open to reveal a whole other bar area. I think they had to incase the room, that definitely is not there, in brick in order to hide the smell of pretention. Apparently it can permeate wood. 

These little fuckers are
ten a penny
If you were to carry on upstairs, ignoring any rooms that may or may not be there, because there definitely aren't, just incase im not being clear, you would find the smoking area. On the wall is a giant poster for Moet champagne, clearly a product within the price-range of there classy student clientele. They should have an advert for White Lightning or just a series of re-used gap year anecdotes so they dont run out of any to say. 'And I was literally on the other side of the world, but bumped into ALL my friends, because I have no sense of creativity', "Was I at the full moon party, yeah man, I totally like took, ALL the drugs and punched an old woman". "Get this, im running down the street with this woman's baby and she's like "Gim me my baby' and im like 'Im going to sell it for drugs'. In the end I just threw it in a ditch and went sunbathing because I realised id left all my Yen in a llamas mouth, hi-larious".

What im trying to say is, if you're really into flamboyantly named cocktails, small dance floors, sweat and people throwing about mummy and daddies money, you should head down to Coco Tang. 

p.s They're employing wookies now

From The House of the Editor 'a pretty inebriated deal'

Monday, 2 May 2011

Editorial: Children's Television

Children’s television is hanging by a thread. That’s a fact, no one can sit there and tell me that since Mark from Smart went down to a train station, and instead of painting it, tried to hang himself, that children’s TV hasn’t been a bit shit . That’s not to say that he didn’t manage to do it eventually, apparently the first attempt was botched, I can only assume that it was because he tried to use a paper mache’ noose. Mark’s fiancĂ© had played a court jester on See it Saw it, known for her hilarious antics; she burnt to death full of sniff in a bathtub…thats not very hilarious at all.

Lets look at a coke fuelled 20 years of great television

'You filthy bastard'

Have you got your sixteen paper cups ready, have you poured away all the washing up liquid, do you have all the toilet roll tubes in the world. To make anything that show expected, you had to take a dump five times a day and only wash in the sink. Despite this you could still watch Mark Speight travel around drawing castles and scouting locations to kill himself, the miserable prick. I think he was having an affair with that play-dough douchebag Morph and died during a sex act. Apparently he left two suicide notes, I bet one of them looked like this 

Biker Mice from Mars

'They look gay now, but boy could they eat some cock'
Where did they get that idea? They’re from Mars, but they like and are aware of motor sports. They call their enemy the ‘Big Cheese’, but they love cheese! They’re mice for god’s sake. Also the whole program revolves around the disfigurements they received escaping from mars. One lost his arm so has a robotic replacement; another has burnt retinas and has to always wear sunglasses (thats horrific). The last one has a horrific scar. Its funny that these are always the things that people point out in the program, aside from that fact that there anamorphic, six feet tall mice who ride fucking bikes. 'Jesus, that scar is horrific, and look at your retinas, christ im rude, and by god your a talking mouse'.' What sort of role models are these for kids anyway? Fucking awesome ones that’s what. Robotic arms and sunglasses are the tits.


‘Must write comical statement, must use crude satire’. Thundercats was a program about giant cat monsters that fought giant reptile/rodent monsters. You had Cheetarah, who looked like a cheetah and could run real fast, that makes sense I suppose. Then you had Liono, he had a mane and was noble, like lions apparently are, when there…in the Lion King. Then you’ve got Tigra, who could go invisible….I suppose there stealthy, so that….makes sense? Then you’ve got Panthro, who’s obviously a ‘Vehicles Expert’? What? How does that relate to his cat name at all, I’ve never seen a Panther mow down its prey in a tank. The closest things hes got to a panther is being black and hes really just an off grey. They should have called him 'Token Cat' or 'Equality Feline'. Then again, a black demolitions and vehicles expert. his name as well have been 'Cool Cat' or 'Stereotypicat' Then we’ve got ‘Snarf’, well for a start, what the fuck does that mean? He has no power, aside from the ability to finish each sentence with ‘Snarf, Snarf’. I guess he has the incredible ‘Speech impediment ability’. All you’re left with is Wiley-Kat, he road a hover board, like all cats do.

Then again, it did have the most 80’s theme tune of all time:

Art Attack

“Here’s one I made earlier’. Fuck off did you Neil. There is no way you made that out of just sandwich packets. You’re a liar, and you wear a stupid jumper and have a really noticeable mole. Paper mache that off your face you twat.

My childhood was shit

 From the Editor -  'a pretty feline deal'