Thats the lamp |
When the bar first opened it was the worst kept secret in Nottingham. An entranceway guarded by a lone doorman, the only distinguishing feature a hanging, red, lamp. Thats pretty cool I suppose. Of course a few years down the line and the easiest way to find it is to listen for the sound of a gaggle of underdressed sluts, shouting, 'DEY DO DEM COCKTAILS WID DA REFRESHERS AND DAT'. Brilliant. What was chic and underground is now mass market and still underground, but in a different way, now its just sweaty.
The bar in fact is so far underground that phone signals no longer exist. Its so exclusive, you cant phone out to tell anyone about it. If you do get a signal, your phone only displays Coco Tang menus or screams prices at you. There quire high, trust me.
If you follow the stairs up to the middle floor you may notice, at the back end of the room, or you may not, stands a black door. Behind this door there is not a creaky old room, but there could be. In this room is not a brick wall, or is there? That brick wall does not open to reveal a whole other bar area. I think they had to incase the room, that definitely is not there, in brick in order to hide the smell of pretention. Apparently it can permeate wood.
These little fuckers are ten a penny |
What im trying to say is, if you're really into flamboyantly named cocktails, small dance floors, sweat and people throwing about mummy and daddies money, you should head down to Coco Tang.
p.s They're employing wookies now
From The House of the Editor 'a pretty inebriated deal'
Well, well, well. You don't like a bar due to firstly your mother not being there....(i'm not going to lie i see you mother there very regularly, however she dresses slightly differently to how you might recognize her), and secondly due to an air of 'pretension' (note the s in pretension), which in layman's terms means you don't fit it, which means you're a cunt.
oh and well done on the gap year took the mocking of travelling pre-university students and made a daring, and might i say again,..... fresh. did you not go on a gap year? as your council tenant parents (with a cruel fetish for waistcoats!!!!! middle class much?) were unable to underwrite this half year of largess on a different continent, or you simply didn't work for it, as you were too busy penning your puerile blog. though im sure it revolved around different subjects back then like 'why do the girls only see me as a friend?', or 'why dont the popular kids like me?' or 'why the fuck must i wear a waistcoat at home?'
a word to the wise senor blogger, (i know that probably is not your name , but i'm offering you the same apathy and indifference you displayed, plus i figure it might get under your skin....), scathing efforts such as the gcse standard guff you have churned out in a thinly veiled effort to reinforce your 'alternative' or 'anti-establishment' agenda are rather easy to produce. Add some vitriolic 'slut bashing' and you have a winner, im sure your 2 followers would agree if they too weren't trotters deep in the trof of outrage at having to pay over the odds for cocktails, especially when served by some cunt in a waistcoat, from a tea pot, and when none of the girls will FUCKING TALK TO ME!!!
my favourite review of yours to date is the masterpiece of the writen word regarding Smack - a club you failed to review as you couldn't get in. The easy way to deal with this, to avoid the pesky queuing, is simply to march to the front of the queue and ask the burly door man 'am i too much of a cunt to get in here?'. His admirably honest response will of course be 'yes', at which point you can go home and blog about it.
Dear Sir,
After reading your recent ‘blog’ I thought I should give you a tip or two on bar reviewing.
1 – Don’t just concentrate on the negatives for example if I was to review you I wouldn’t just concentrate on the fact you are a talentless, lonely, repulsive, cock trumpet but I would look at some of the positives like that you have a mum and…. okay singular positive.
2 – If you are jumped up enough to think that for one minute people give a flying monkey’s shit (by the way you can see monkeys if you go travelling to places outside Nottinghamshire – other people besides students do it dick wad) what you think then please, please have the decency to learn how to spell and punctuate. Perhaps that school place that seems to have scared you so badly wasn’t such a bad idea after all. (I have left you a little test in that paragraph of a spelling mistake, can you find it?)
3 – If you are going to slag off a bars drinks, try drinking them! Cocktails aren’t just for girls you know, men drink them too. You know men right? They are the people you masturbate over due to your problems with women which possibly stem from your mother obsession.
4 – Try to have more than 2 followers AND try to find people that aren’t too embarrassed to have their pictures on their accounts.
Having re-read my comments (oh yeah point 5 re-read what you have written and you may, just may realise it is pure shit) I have realised I have done you a disservice. I apologise. I seem to have accidently called you ‘Sir’, please replace this with ‘Cunt’.
Where did you learn to write? Do you not have access to spell check? If I were you I'd delete my blog, buy a speak and spell then run as fast as I can towards a brick wall with a spoon in my mouth... just saying.
Something's caused a stir, tears seem to be falling. This, my friend is epic, long live the editor...
The first three comment are written by the same person, aren't they? He/she must really love Coco Tang.
I think it's brilliant, if you all read it it's not really review it's just piss take. God the people who have took this serious must get a fucking grip. It's more like a compliment no one writes about bars with 3 people in. I find it funny because if he did the same about any other bar in Nottingham it would not cause the amount of tears this has and I will sit back relax and enjoy the fallout this will cause hahahahahahahahaha
Due to the power of this blog, it's undeniable literacy and super coolness. Myself and my 500, female, Nottingham university friends will no longer be attending Coco Tang. I really hope this doesn't offend that liquordick guy, he might get so angry he sprouts a cock and can breed.
Liquordick and Si:
What the hell is wrong with you?? IT'S A JOKE. Quite a funny one too really. Si, you also say that men drink cocktails too, I think some more research is needed about the author of the blog before making silly statements; perhaps, just perhaps he is a bartender? Just a thought.
I cannot understand why anyone is getting worked up about this in any way unless you work at Coco Tang. Which, come to think of it, is probably the most likely explanation.
Have yourself a supercool Coco Tang branded bevnap and dry those tiki tears buddy.
We were going to put this bar on our next cover but now we have changed our minds. Apologies.
Its like a Mad Hatter's Tea Party in this comments section.
Look out for my Coco Tang retrospective coming in the next few days
Cheers (do I put a comma here?), The Editor
mate it's fucking hilarious
I like turtles
This is great. Just bloody great. It's funny because its true...
Goodness we have all the toys out of the pram don't we!
For guys who's highest badge of honour appears to be getting all the sexy ladeeez you spend an awful lot of time correcting other peoples grammar... just saying... maybe try a bloz over a drink made from sweeties? I hear they're just as good... some go as far as to say better! (I know, i couldnt believe it either)
That failing, I'd say take some advice from Arnie and "Chill Ouuuuttt"
P.S. Si, OMG you drink cocktails and your a man?.... GAY
You neglected to use an apostrophe in "bars" in the 3rd point you made.
I, and most likely the editor, couldn't care less about the use of punctuation and grammar in your frankly vapid comment.. But I thought I'd let you know, to give you the opportunity to pass it off as irony.
Kindest regards,
You're also missing:
"Don't just concentrate on the negatives for example if I was to review you.."
Should read:
Don't just concentrate on the negatives. For example: if I were to review you...
But perhaps i'm being petty. but people in glass houses and all that...
Good point Boyo.
I also think "cock trumpet" should be hyphenated as "cock-trumpet", but I imagine you can't check that in the OED..
Sam you fucking genius xxxxx
I know a lot of people who call it Coco Wank, I admire your candour and you are quite funny.
To the first person who commented - I'm not sure whether to refer to you as New Money or No Money...The rest of Nottingham are ashamed of you and we probably would have tripped you up in Isis. Finally - like you, the gap year references were a joke.
Personally I can't see where the criticism is for the bar in question. Does the 'review' lay into the service? No. Does it lay into the drinks? No. It is just a piss take on someone's blog that is all. No need to have a fucking staff meeting about it. Just get on with it! Enough said.
Your an idiot, bet you don't even like Hed Kandi or the culture of the early noughties.
I would just like to express my how much I appreciate this blog!
Not only does it take note of the true atmosphere and clientèle of the bar which may defer some guests; it also manages to promote the bar to pretentious cocks, which fortunately for coco tong Nottingham does mainly consist of.
Instead of people feeling so hurt and outraged by this blog maybe they should take it as a chance to appreciate the editors valid points and aquire better taste in their choice of evening venue or even just realise that as much as i myself do love coco tang it is in fact a brothel disguised as an underground sweetie shop.
I apologise for my poor grammar and spelling but the only excuse i can provide for this is that i too 'am a bad bartender'
I love you whoever you are, and I am so glad this blog has brought us together over our mutual hatred of coco- wankers.
So everyone who's commented on this blog so far is begging for a 'real review' on Coco Tang...
Now just like the blog above this will cause upset, there will be drama and wookies will cry.
On that note, let's begin with the staff and the service. It seems the 'dignified' and 'exclusive' House of Coco Tang is now hiring staff that think themselves better than anyone else. So being sacked by a previous employer or spitting your dummy out because something didn't go your way results in unparalleled arrogance? I did wonder how mixing a Rum with a Vodka is like curing cancer...
How does this effect the service? The best way to find out is to go there yourself and see just how thirsty you can get after waiting for 30 minutes trying to get a drink. Trust me, by this point you really will need one, as there's no air conditioning and you become so thirsty the beads of sweat dripping down your friend's forehead become more and more tantalisingly appealing.
So how about the drinks themselves? Wake up in the morning and you'll have the emergency dentist on the phone straight away. A good cocktail is to comprise of balance of flavour but all I could taste was the dirt on the ground as I threw myself to the floor in a diabetic fit.
In a bar that surely relies on volume of sales considering it's capacity, why put cocktails on the list that take about 7 minutes to make?
To be fair to Coco Tang, I've never heard it's reputation for cocktails. I've heard nothing but stories of under-age little girls covered in St. Tropez running around with their legs in the air... Just like an army of over-excited whore-ish Oompa-Lumpa's on too many E-numbers. Did I mention that being a seventeen year old knocked up slut was better than having an education, ambition and drive? No? I must remember that next time I walk past the vomit smeared cobbled pavement leading up to that little red lampshade...
For any place to humour this kind of behaviour in its clientèle surely sets a precedence of what you should expect should you ever visit.
This comment is not a partner to the original blog. The original blog is a hilarious parody on pretension and arrogance that breeds uncontrollably within Nottingham. Unfortunately for Coco Tang, they are the ones that pander to and facilitate such behaviour. A few years ago it may have been cool... Now it's just plain pathetic.
As a pretentious cock I often struggle to find anywhere to go drinking so I must express a debt of gratitude to the review and indeed reviewer.
I now go to Coco Tang so much I have diabetes.
Seriously though, he's got a point except the bit where he says "it WAS chic" it was never chic. It could only be chic if it was 1999 and you were a Persian.
I know the public beating hasnt quite gone out of fashion, but trust me, dont vent all your anger in one place, there are more reviews to come and far more horrible things to say.
From the Editor 'a flavour of the week deal'
Ooooh cant wait.x.
And remember, as Liquordick said, if you think somethings pretentious, its because you dont fit in. Because your a cunt.
Bravo stupidity. Way to mis the point.
Well I choose not to ever go to Wetherspoons and not because I think it's pretentious.
Does that make me pretentious?
SHIT! Identity crisis.
Either way it does make me a cunt.
Sorry James Deen... What was YOUR point again?
I do not care for spelling and punctuation when someone is making me chuckle. If you removed those sticks from up your tight little blow holes, you just might be capable of comprehending a 'joke'. I've never seen so much fucking pretention in one place. congratulations angry men. Also as a woman I'd prefer it if 'cunt' wasn't used so derogatively. Name-calling isn't the height of sophistication that you think it is. cunts.
john boy ask liqourdick, I merely re-iterated his awesome point. Awesomely. Check out my blog, James Deen blog spot for more details on Nacho's.
I Would just like to say that I wrote the comment about the brothel being disguised as an underground sweetie shop and I too am female.
I see cunt as a beautiful yet elaborate use of vocabulary that when used correctly is not only a bold and powerful statement but holds a lot of meaning!
so why not all go get fucked and just get over the fact that the 'editor' was having a laugh and people are just too fucking hormonal to appreciate that! Coco tang is a fucking lovely place but as all lovely places do, it has its faults which the 'editor' has chosen to highlight and amuse his audience with, this is not nasty or manipulative of him but shows that he has a sense of fucking humour.
so get a fucking grip and save some tears for his next blog.
lots of love and have a lovely gap year x
last word.
Can Al Quaeda use the Coco Tang CCTV as a recruitment video?
I think 'James Deen' has really missed the point of these articles. Its because I am a cunt, and I realise this...gleefully.
Note, please dont leave racist remarks in the comment section, it diminishes our argument.
The Editor
Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics.
Even if you win, you're still retarded.
This is funny as fuck. Loving the blog.
Ha, love the fact there is a disabled sign next to the box where I type my word verification.
I always go to coco tang and i love it!
Just because i wear short skirts with my lady flower on show and see through tops to show my under grown invulnerability in order to get free drinks does not make me a cunt.
Yes I use daddy's money but that's not an issue why shouldn't I? I am his princess.
I love the refresher cocktails and the fact that i have the power to make other people wait hours to get a drink because the bartender is too busy trying to fuck me.
I'm not pretentious or immature...I'm just their kind of clientèle ... a middle class dig begging whore.
dick begging* sorry for the typo was busy testing the depth of my throat. x
calibre of staff leaves a lot to be desired though..
Calibre of leaving shit posts. Anonymous.
Good point.
Wicked post man, coco tang is wank, but the responses they posted are great.
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