Saturday, 25 December 2010

Editorial: What did you get for Christmas?

Christmas presents more so than anything are an accurate interpretation of not only your family and friends situation at that time but also how your parents probably feel about you. Follow these simple steps and avoid asking for prozac next year.

The Split Gift

The split gift is one you receive from more than one person. This is used by people in many different ways. If for example you receive a present from 'Rob and Sue' and Sue is your wife, and you dont know who Rob is, its time to start reading her emails. Another classic is the 'From Mummy and Daddy', if 95 percent of your presents have 'From Mummy', 4 percent are 'From Santa' and 1 percent say 'From Mummy and Daddy' and that 1 percent is a pair of socks and 'extreme boggle' your parents are definitely getting a divorce.

On Socks and Oranges
(All 'Haha's' imply a middle aged, ignorant mothers laugh)

Mum - You can never have enough socks
You - Yes you can
Mum - They're Hugo Boss
You - So the reason you didn't get me my copy of 'Cooking Mama' I wanted is because you spent half your budget on wool
Mum - Haha...yeah, dont you love them, they're Hugo Boss"
You - No, whats this, is this a...a fucking orange?
Mum - No its a 'satsuma'...'sat-su-ma', 
You - This isn't a satsuma, its a small orange
Mum - haha, yeah

Basic Present Interpretation

  • Hungry Hungry Hippos - If your over the age of ten, your parents think you're fat and this is all you're capable of.
  • Dominos - Your parents desire to see you fail at everything just like they did, as you miserably spend all day trying to make flat dice interesting.
  • Hats - Your parents think this will cover up your shit haircut 
  • Running Trainers - They still think your fat, maybe even want you to run away from home.
  • A Wii Remote and no Wii - 'just shake it and imagine', your dad probably just lost his job at the box factory.
  • Some Prostitute Hair - Your dad was the 'Crossbow Cannibal' or your parents are definitely getting divorced.

Oh, thanks - by The Editor

Il put it here 
its really great
oh cheers, smashing, thanks a lot mate
I didn't think 
you'd got the hint
ive always wanted one 
for a quick stint

Im going, straight away 
To hide it in my room
I better do it quick 
They'll be here soon
Theres the siren, and a ring at the door
I see one officer, three officers, four

I eat a bit then run to the door
'You cant have her back'
They scream 'get on the floor'
I can hear her screaming in the back
I run over and stab stab stab 
Away at her six pack

The screaming stopped
Theres blood by my feet
Its snowing outside
What a wintery treat
Its nearly christmas 
On my snowy lane
And me. the Crossbow Cannibal
Finally has fame

From the Editor - 'hungrier than a hippo'

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