Friday, 24 December 2010

Film: Super Presidential Raptor Squad.

This is a Velociraptor, the second most dangerous thing to have stalked planet earth

This is a Future Nazi, the most dangerous thing roaming teenage minds at this point

These are the Attenborough brothers, the oldest people on earth

Mind Explosion. By carefully crafting together these few elements my friends and I have designed a film plot so unique, so good, so 'inception' that by the time it's been released on DVD, people will have already downloaded it illegally. To get this project off the ground we need funds and staff. These funds will be divided into separate areas, all of which are essential

  • Raptor Breeding - 5 English pounds, Japanese people
  • Raptor Training - 2 Sterling, One steely looking Englishman (must own set of safari gear)
  • Raptor Feeding - Blacks
  • Life Support for David and Richard - a blue note and a nurse
  • Cast Fees - a one pound coin
  • Jack Nicholson supplies - £1,000,000 est. One drug dealer

Fuck 'Action-Aid', give it all to us. Lunch will be provided on set. All staff bar 'Raptor Feeding' [Blacks] please report to the cafeteria at 1300. All 'Raptor Feeding' staff [Blacks] please report to 'Raptor Annex' at 1300, no metal objects.

Copyright: 'Super Presidential Raptor Squad' TM 'Jack Nicholson' TM 'Blacks' TM 

From the Editor - 'a pretty medium deal'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so i want to be involved.
i'll send my cast fee.
i've heard about this movie, i'm part of the industry and it's said to be a blockbuster. not even a blockbuster but a ballbuster. i'm excited